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We offer a full range of garage services to vehicle owners in Tucson. Our professionals know how to handle a wide range of car services. Whether you drive a passenger car or medium sized truck or SUV, our mechanics strive to ensure that your vehicle will be performing at its best before leaving our car shop. We can help you with everything from an oil change to an engine change. We can handle any problem on both foreign and domestic vehicles.

Our professionals know how to handle a wide range of car services. Whether you drive a passenger car or medium sized truck or SUV, our mechanics strive to ensure that your vehicle will be performing at its best.


Front Brakes Repair99,- Lei (turism)99,- Lei (SUV)
Rear Brakes Repair$59.95
Rear Brakes Shoes$65.25
Axle$149.95 Each
Starters / Alternators$225.95 Plus Parts


We offer a full range of garage services to vehicle owners in Tucson. We can help you with everything from an oil change to an engine change. We can handle any problem on both foreign and domestic vehicles.

  • We make auto repair more convenient for you
  • We are a friendly and professional group of people
  • We handle a wide range of car services
  • Same day service for most repairs and maintenance
  • We get the job done right — the first time


  • Should I consider using synthetic oil?

    Synthetic engine oils are produced through a synthesis process that takes very small molecules and assembles them into larger ones.

  • What parts should be replaced?

    Synthetic engine oils are produced through a synthesis process that takes very small molecules and assembles them into larger ones.

  • How do I keep track of routine?

    Synthetic engine oils are produced through a synthesis process that takes very small molecules and assembles them into larger ones.

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